

  • 剧情介绍
<p>  Three illegal drug dealers launched out on a voyage in a homemade submarine. The submarine worked well initially, but it started to malfunction. In attempting to reduce the weight somehow, they were investigating the cargo section when they discovered a young female, Reina, hidden there, and she looked appalling. As the situation gets worse, the tensions among the three men are heightened, and in the midst of this, Reina attempts to escape, but she has nowhere to go in the endless open sea.<br/>  With an unusual setting of the submarine, where nothing can be seen other than the horizon, Submersible captures the tension of the conflicts between the characters and their struggle for survival, while the submarine environment itself arouses extreme claustrophobia and anxiety. The top star from Columbia, Natalia Reyes, who attracted the worldwide film industry’s attention with Ciro Guerra’s Birds of Passage (2018), and made her Hollywood debut in Terminator: Dark Fate (2019), once again draws attention in her role as Reina. (Jin PARK)</p>


  • 0.0超清剥皮客泰德·雷米,Richard,SchiffDavid,奇希·劳尔兹
  • 0.0修正HD国语中字哭悲朱轩洋,雷嘉纳,王自强,邱彦翔,陈映如,蓝苇华,蔡昌宪
  • 0.0正片情妇约翰·马加罗,琪森·哈蒙,艾莉亚·马佐尔夫
  • 0.0高清死神来了3玛丽·伊丽莎白·温斯特德,瑞恩·莫里曼,克里斯·勒姆彻,亚莉克兹·约翰逊,萨姆·伊斯顿,杰西·莫斯,吉娜·赫尔顿,特夏斯·巴特尔,切兰·西蒙斯,克瑞斯塔尔·洛维,阿曼达·克鲁,马美琪,派崔克·盖勒
  • 0.0高清盗墓诡影之九星雍王墓隨存毅,葛欣
  • 0.0正片修女2泰莎·法米加,邦妮·阿伦斯,乔纳斯·布洛凯,凯特琳·罗斯·道尼,斯托姆·瑞德,安娜·帕波维尔
  • 0.0正片鬼天厦黄瀞怡,陈妤,潘君侖,白癡公主,郑茵声,游書庭,高慧君,澎恰恰
  • 0.0高清死神来了2艾丽·拉特,A·J·库克,迈克尔·兰德斯,大卫·佩特考,詹姆斯·柯克,琳达·博伊德,基冈·康纳·特雷西,乔纳森·切里,特伦斯·卡森,贾斯蒂娜·马查多,托尼·托德,莎拉·卡特,亚利桑德罗·雷,肖恩·西珀斯,安德鲁·爱尔莱,克里斯蒂娜·杰斯特泽姆布斯卡,艾琳·佩德,诺尔·费舍,贝妮塔·夏,阿伦·道格拉斯,埃里克·李塞德,伊妮德·雷伊·亚当斯,薇娜·苏德,达西·劳瑞,John,R.,Taylor,奇尔顿
  • 0.0正片电锯惊魂10托宾·贝尔,肖妮·史密斯,西诺薇·玛考迪·伦德,史蒂文·布兰德,蕾内塔·瓦卡,约书亚·奧卡莫托,奥克塔维奥·伊诺埃萨,波莱特·埃尔南德斯,Jorge Brise?o,科斯塔斯·曼迪勒,迈克尔·比奇,伊森·李,大卫·阿尔法诺,凯蒂·巴贝里,露西娅·戈麦斯-罗夫莱多,多纳·戈登,Sebastián Torres,Cristo Ruiz,Baltimore Beltran,Kerry Ardra
  • 0.0正片灭亡Anita,Abdinezhad,Harry,Aspinwall,Christian,Masters
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  • 0.0HD献王虫谷罗立群胡雪儿

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